Our report of the year 2023

The RvA wants to carry out the right assessments with the right information. That is why we have set up a programme with the support of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.
The RvA has drawn up a work vision to give direction to the Information-driven Working programme. It reads as follows: ‘We are committed to assessing in a more transparent and better substantiated risk-based manner with the right information. This enables us to make accreditation decisions in such a way that the value of accreditation is and remains relevant for all stakeholders, while simultaneously providing better and new services.’
With this work vision, we are setting out the core of what Information-driven Working should mean for the RvA.
In 2023, a lot of attention was paid to an innovative programme design, informing colleagues and formulating the aforementioned vision.
In the first phase of the programme, we crafted the technical infrastructure, the data architecture with associated data governance and access to the internal data for a data warehouse.
Ultimately, we want to be able to better monitor, adjust and ultimately ‘predict’ the content of our customers’ daily work in various phases. With the help of experts, the first few steps are now being taken.
In addition to our focus on technology, we are paying close attention to the changes that Information-driven Working entails. We foresee a major impact on the day-to-day work at the RvA and on our relationship with clients. One of the objectives we want to achieve is harmonisation within the assessment process. A project for this was launched at the end of 2023.
We are also working on the digitalisation of our primary process, because this is an important prerequisite and foundation for Information-driven Working. The Prisma application tool works well, the Prisma reporting tool has been completed and is in the phase of refinement and improvement, and the Prisma scheduling tool is being further improved.
Within the RvA, there is a strong awareness of information security. It is a topic that requires continuous attention, as well as innovation in policies and measures. The Government Information Security Baseline is an important guideline and also offers tooling for audits.